So You Want to Be a Freelance Bioinformatician

Every now and then, I get asked for advice on being a freelance bioinformatician: someone working (at least part time) in a sole-trader business as a bioinformatician. To get the most important point across first, I don’t do it for the money (as is the case with many other freelance jobs). More explicitly, the freelance part of my work has almost never been the entirety of my work, and when it has I’ve sometimes had to go for a few months without a source of income. It’s very easy to get underworked (or, for that matter, overworked), and a sizeable financial buffer has been important in keeping me and my family up and running.

What is Bioinformatics

I see bioinformatics as the process, or art, of converting research outputs into something that can be better understood by other researchers. Research outputs that typically, but not always, involve very large datasets. One of my favourite explanations of bioinformatics is that it’s a bit like surfing: chasing waves of information from an ocean of data, and presenting them in an interesting way before they reach the shore of public knowledge.

I feel like I need to learn something new for every bioinformatics project that I take part in. This seems so intrinsic to bioinformatics, that I’m tempted to argue that a project only includes bioinformatics if it’s breaking new ground somewhere (this is almost always the case with research anyway). I can’t help but parallel this with the somewhat snobbish definition of artificial intelligence that we were told during computer science lectures: if lay people can understand it, it’s not artificial intelligence.

A series of fortunate events

For those who are interested in the story behind my bioinformatics career, feel free to read the sections below. For those who aren’t, I’ll try to summarise the bits and pieces that I consider most important:

  • I have been writing code for a long time. I had the privilege of a computer in my early childhood, and a parent who was able to teach me about programming before I knew what it was. My childhood was built on discovery, experimentation, and asking questions, and I still do that.

  • Perspective is important. I’m much more productive if I’m able to work on a broad range of projects, because there are the occasional flashes of insight where I can one problem’s solution in a completely different domain. In every area of life, there will always be someone you can learn from, and someone you can teach. Working on the things that I am bad at has helped me to become more productive in general.

  • Time management is essential. When taking on multiple projects it’s easy to get overworked, and I have had problems when I’ve been underworked. Finding the right balance is a big challenge, particularly given that things can finish earlier or (more frequently) later than expected.

  • Emergency funds protect me from the randomness of life. I’ve had to live without income for a few months, and have the occasional life crisis that requires a lot more money. It’s a good idea to have a small stable base of fixed-payment work so that very basic living costs can be paid for while waiting for other work.

  • I use free and open source software, and am used to the ecosystem of bug reporting and constant, living software development. Software gets better over time, and the speed at which most reported bugs get fixed, with fixes shipped to other users, still amazes me.

The Beginning

I occasionally get asked about when it all started. I summarise the beginning of my research side in a presentation about my life as a Māori genetics researcher here [talk script]. Some of the text in this post is pulled from that presentation.

But in truth my desire to look at things, see how they work, and change them started in my childhood.


My parents tell me that I had a strong desire to tinker and explore was difficult to stop: I was given an old broken radio to play with when I was about 3 years old, and ended up fixing it.

Our family got our first computer when I was 8 years old. For those that are interested, it was a 286 XT, it had a VGA screen, a 20MB hard drive and a “turbo” button. The hard drive meant that we could store different applications on the computer. Games as well.

One thing that my dad realised fairly early on was that the user interface of the system was a bit lacking. It was DOS, completely command-line driven, with a mechanical process of changing into a directory and typing in the command required to run the program. So, he created a BASIC program to display a menu of games and applications, and complemented it with batch files to run the applications.

Over time, we got more games, and the menu system started to need a bit of fixing. Dad showed me the source code for the menu program and pointed out the lines that needed changing. Without having any understanding of program code at all, I was able to hack the program and make user interface changes. It was wonderful! I played quite a few games in my childhood on the 286, including Railroad Tycoon, Carrier Command, Populous, Jack Nicklaus Golf and Hero’s Quest: So You Want to Be a Hero.

Our computer was upgraded to a 386, which brought with it the possibility of playing games with better graphics and larger worlds: Civilisation, Monkey Island 2, Space Quest 5 (among others). I learnt to suffer through long loading screens and slow gameplay so that I could just bearably play, Doom, Master of Magic, and One Must Fall. I was also introduced to a memory sniffing program called Game Wizard that allowed me to cheat when playing computer games.

Pascal’s Triangle

When I was about 14, an experimental programming course was introduced at Wellington High School. We started off learning a language called Logo, and wrote programs that controlled a little triangle as it moved across the screen. Later on in the course, we were introduced to the Pascal programming language. I discovered that the compiler we were using had comprehensive help files with example code, and my interest in programming exploded.

In my break time at school, I flitted between BASIC and Pascal on various computers, with my main interest being in writing screensaver-like programs. I also did a bit of tinkering with save game files, and messing around with different binary file formats. I wrote some visualisation code to pull out world maps from Civilisation save game files, and discovered the encryption format of the Warheads save game files (a simple 255-x operation), allowing me to create my own weapon editor for that game. I loved tinkering with things, and programming opened up a whole new world of possibilities in that regard.

The Mathematics of Genetics

In the meantime, I was studying maths and biology. For full disclosure, my 7th form [year 13] subjects were Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, Japanese, and Photography.

I was introduced to genetics via Mendel and punnet squares. I learnt subsequently at a conference that Mendel is one of the worst ways to introduce genetics, but it worked well for me because maths was one of my favourite subjects, and I found a comfortable familiarity in the punnet squares and binomial frequencies.

My biology grades were low; I was a just-passing C student. I didn’t have a head for rote learning, couldn’t write good essays, and my mind is easily twisted into knots by binary comparisons (like “purines” and “pyrimidines”). However, my teacher at the time curiously recommended that I should consider a career in genetics.

Once I was in a position to decide on university subjects, the advice was enough to nudge me away from my best high-school subject (physics) and towards my worst (biology). This decision was the beginning of a realisation that I could improve myself better by working on my weaknesses rather than my strengths.

The Universe of Intransitivity

My first year of university was very good at knocking me off whatever pedestal I thought I was on at the end of my high school years. I thought I was good at maths, but that bubble was quickly popped when I saw the ease at which others were completing assignments, and asking really good questions. Even in computer science, I was outclassed by people who were able to quickly apply their learning to the tasks at hand; people who seemed to play more than work, and yet performed better in exams.

But I found consolation in the realisation that the generic term “better” is not a transitive property. We live in a rock-paper-scissors world, where ability and success is multi-dimensional; dependent on our environment and other factors outside our control.

My first year of university gave me a good grounding in the real world. I wrote copious notes in lectures and wore myself down, trying to keep challenging myself both physically and mentally, while I still had the youth and energy to do so.

The Family connection

My first waged job was actually working for my Māori tribe, working for a week at the small Rangitāne office in Grovetown, near Blenheim. I found myself there helping the Rangitane secretary with their membership database, improving the system they had for entering data, and improving the way they were recording the consensus family tree of the tribe. It’s interesting to think about it now, and realise that I didn’t actually do any data analysis in that first job, but helped them to do their existing work a little bit more efficiently. I also learned a lot from that job, understanding a great deal more about how databases worked, and how one program could allow me to enter data in one form, then twist the data around so that it could be interpreted in a completely different way.

A Lesson in Diagnosis

In a sense, I had an industry job in bioinformatics before I even knew what bioinformatics was, and certainly before I had any formal training in research.

During my first year at the Victoria University of Wellington, one of my high school friends told me there was a job available at her father’s work. I was interviewed by the head of the Molecular Biology department of the Medical Laboratory in Courtenay Place, Wellington (now part of Wellington SCL). My main job was as a cleaner for the PC2 Molecular Biology pre and post-PCR rooms. My mother had worked as a laboratory technologist in the years before I was born, so in a sense I was following in her footsteps.

A Few Tips

Every Saturday morning for about four years, I went into the lab and filled hundreds of tubes with buffer solutions for diagnostic PCR tests (both lysis buffer and wash buffer), filled pipette tip boxes, refilled stocks of ethanol and phosphate-buffered saline, washed dishes, cleaned the benches, and loaded up a box of tube jars for autoclaving.

I enjoy being alone in myself. My job gave me a lot of solitude and thinking time, staring out the window at a grey Wellington, while contemplating what pattern my tip boxes would be today. I couldn’t completely turn off from the work I was doing (that almost invariably ended up with some angry notes in the note book the next week), but I could turn off enough that I could forget how stressed I was the day before, finishing off yet another maths assignment half an hour before it needed to be handed in.

Despite the simplicity of the job I was doing, I still found ways to optimise it. I worked out that I could grab two long-reach 200μl tips in each hand and load them into the tip box at the same time, swapping each hand between grabbing from the bag and loading into the tip box. I discovered that reverse-pipetting from the wash buffer stock into the tubes was quicker than standard forward-pipetting, and seemed to be a bit less variable when using the same tip for all the tubes. I had worked out how much of the bench I needed to wipe down with ethanol before it had dried enough to put the equipment back onto the first place I wiped. And every Saturday after finishing up, I’d record the hours I had actually worked onto my time sheet, and give it to the person in charge of biochemistry to be signed off.

I still invoice people for my physical hours worked (called “wall time” in computer science), and not for my thinking time or efficiency. It helps me acknowledge the time that I’m spending specifically for a certain project, and being able to have a good idea of the time cost of jobs is essential for juggling multiple projects at the same time. If I finish a job faster than I expect, people pay me less money. If I have a fixed time agreement, then I try to do more work (assuming that’s possible). If I have a fixed cost agreement, I’ll try to finish promptly (as long as my surrounding life situation works with that, because it frees up more time to do other things.

Contagious Bioinformatics

I caught the bioinformatics bug after I’d been working a few months at the Medical Laboratory. My supervisor was aware of my computer science background, and asked for a bit of help with a research project she was working on for the Wellington School of Medicine. She was investigating the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis in pregnant women in the Wellington region, and had an interest in comparing the effectiveness of different genetic testing methods. I ended up doing a combination of data entry and data analysis for that project, while at the same time trying to learn as little as possible about the ins and outs of Chlamydia infection. My work on that project led to my first acknowledgement of bioinformatics work at the end of a paper published in the New Zealand Medical Journal.

The Independence of Multiple Bosses

Working a few hours a week in solitude probably helped to give me a bit of emotional stability, but it quickly stopped challenging me. Luckily, the Medical Laboratory was big enough that there was frequently some little job here and there that needed doing. I started moving around the organisation, adding bits and pieces to my regular work hours as my study situation at Victoria University allowed for it. I was still living at home, but began to spend more time away, probably to avoid the pull of chores, or the discomfort of the parental inquisition during dinner time.

Over the course of my time at the Medical Laboratory, I ended up working in the departments of Molecular Biology, Serology, Biochemistry, Specimen entry, Cytology, Microbiology, Biostandards, and as a Courier. I became familiar with the process of analysis for most biochemistry tests carried out at the Laboratory, from bleeding, to transport by courier to the lab, to specimen entry, data entry, centrifugation, sorting, machine loading, discarding into short-term cold storage, and final disposal in a biochemical waste bin. Although I wasn’t there as a qualified professional in any sense (neither phlebotomist nor laboratory technologist, like my mother), I had a sponge-like mind for soaking in the random discussions I had in down time about quality controls, normal ranges, standard deviations, sensitivity, specificity, and other things that impacted on the accuracy of diagnostic testing.

Occasionally I’d be given a data analysis project to work on. I had a go at calculating normal ranges for a few biochemical tests, but fairly quickly realised that it was not an easy task due to the difficulty in finding “normal” test results. Another big project found me translating codes from one external laboratory into a more standardised format. I acquired an appreciation for the ISO15189 standard that the laboratory adhered to, making sure that everything we used had an expiry date, that pipettes were properly calibrated, and that protocols were available for every test to ensure that anyone from the lab would have a chance of successfully carrying out diagnostic testing in an emergency.

Apart from my first job in the Molecular Biology department, I was almost never around in any department for long enough to do a yearly performance appraisal, let alone to be able to review the goals that were set from the previous year. Having so many transient managers meant that I had to learn how to manage myself. I had to make sure that I was taking care of myself, and only had a few weeks where my scatterings of part time work added up to over 40 hours (requiring overtime to be paid).

I enjoyed my time working at the Medical Laboratory, but had to start scaling the work back as my academic workload increased. By the time I was a couple of months into my Honours degree, I realised that even the few hours I was doing on Saturday morning had to go, so I cut myself free of my financial lifeline before swimming into the ocean of academic research.

Permanent Head Damage

Before I left, my molecular biology boss at the Medical Laboratory had advised me that if I wanted to pursue the computer science path in my career, my undergraduate degree would have been more than enough. On the other hand, a PhD project (rather than a Masters project) would be needed if I wanted to get a job in the academic world. The reason behind this had more to do with perception than with actual ability, but still, there it is: some do PhDs and some stay sane and grounded.

A shift in computer gear

For my Honours project, I had a dual-boot Linux/Windows laptop, but was using Windows for a lot of data analysis because I was working on Access databases, Excel spreadsheets, and using SPSS and Arlequin.

My Honours project could be described as an exercise in the manual hierarchical clustering of forensic STRs. I didn’t really know what I was doing, but found a way to muddle through a clustering method that used linear algebra to order individuals based on their similarity to other individuals. I spent a lot of time working out how to do this in Excel, using Visual Basic code to carry out a bubble sort that reordered the rows and columns of an Excel spreadsheet. I also used conditional formatting to produce a visual example of the results of that clustering.

About the time that I was writing up my Honours thesis, I discovered R, and realised that I could cut loose from almost all of the Windows applications I was using. There was an R library available to read in Excel files, and R made it very easy to produce good-looking graphs as PDF files. The hundreds of lines of code that I wrote for clustering could be replaced by a couple of lines of R code (the hclust and image functions), and ran quicker in R. The other advantage of R was that the scripts that I wrote in Windows worked without change on Linux as well. With the help of a little bit of Wine, I realised that I had no more need for Windows on my laptop, and made the switch to a Linux-only system.

The other benefits of embracing Linux completely were the vast opportunities provided by the free and open source software community. With a little bit of effort put into fixing the occasional bug (which I was already very familiar with on Windows systems), I could get programs for free, and had the freedom to do whatever I wanted with them.

Preparing Buffers

Throughout most of my life, the largest portion of my spending has been devoted to food. I don’t eat much, but I spend money to entertain myself even less.

I was introduced to the concept of a financial buffer when I was still in high school, and tried to keep my own bank account balance increasing, even when on a paper run income. My biggest purchase prior to entering university was a $150 plasma ball, and even at that stage of my life I was making sure I had at least double the money in my savings account before buying it.

Being allowed to stay at home, combined with having a part-time-but-almost-full-time job while studying, gave me a considerable financial buffer while I hunted for PhD funding. This hunt continued for about another half year after I had finished up my Honours project. My Honours project supervisor was interested in keeping me on, both for a PhD project, and for other little odd jobs that he had at his work. I signed up to a casual work agreement with Environmental Science & Research (ESR), and was additionally given a scholarship by ESR to continue on with a PhD research project on Māori population genetics.

Additional notes from various conversations (not yet storified)

  • For most of my work I use a computer that I assembled myself about 5 years ago. It cost about $2500. It’s a 12-core computer with 64 GB memory and a solid state hard drive for the main system, and a couple of spinning discs for additional data. I buy another hard drive every now and then when capacity becomes an issue. Some of my clients have their own compute server, which I log into for data analysis. I generally avoid cloud computing and/or compute clusters because it doesn’t work out to be cheap in the long term, and frequently takes a lot more time to get stuff done.

  • IRD has rules about invoicing and tax, which gives me a lot of guidance with how to deal with international clients. I charge in foreign currency (with GST added on top of the agreed rate) and give money transfer details for my NZ bank account, recording on invoices the NZD equivalent of the billed amount at the time that I do my invoicing.

  • For me the most challenging part of the business side of things is asking people for money, particularly when they’ve already given me money for a project. Having defined project end time points is important to make it easier to do this. I’ve been encouraged to create a written agreement in advance for extra jobs. It’s also important to set out job scope in the initial discussions of projects, giving examples of things that are in-scope and out-of-scope.

  • Doing work on software projects (e.g. Trinity, Canu) has been incredibly beneficial in increasing my knowledge and capability, but not so great in getting more paid work. That’s partly because some job contracts are biased against sole-trader businesses (e.g. requiring $10M liability for damages). I’ve also limited myself by not wanting to travel to the USA, and also not working for large multi-national corporations.